Working drawings are comprehensively detailed technical documents. They provide a precise interpretation of a proposed new building or structure’s design and dimensions pertaining to floor plans, roof plans, elevations, electrical features and other details, as well as outlining what building materials shall be used. Working drawings must be in-depth and accurate to ensure the building surveyor can understand important details and see that the construction stage of the project will be conducted both safely and efficiently. Only after this will a building permit for the project be granted.
If you’re searching for a firm that provides first-rate architectural drafting in Melbourne, get in touch with the experienced team at Plantech. Our qualified designers have the skills and technology to produce clear and concise working drawings for both residential and commercial building projects.
The Plantech team has many years of experience in creating working drawings of the highest standard, helping builders, architects and contractors involved with the project to know exactly what the client requires. We can create high-quality working drawings for new homes, extensions, renovations, multi-unit developments and other types of building projects that comply with Australian building codes and BCA standards.
Do you need working drawings for your building project? Feel free to get in touch with Plantech by calling our office on (03) 9069 6683 or contacting us online to learn more about our services for architectural drafting in Melbourne.